First you need to determine where your affiliates live. Why you may ask? While TripleClicks goods may be good value in their country of origin the cost of postage/shipping sometimes makes them a totally non-viable proposition.
So what are we going to be promoting to our affiliates? Well the obvious thing is TCredits. These are needed to take part in the auctions or the games that are available. Anything else that is an e-product is good for promoting on a worldwide basis. For example PSAs to go or S Builder co-op.
As most of the items in the auction are free from delivery costs these are good items to promote world wide although some of the goods are restricted by import regulations.
I always promote the PSA to go, the S Builder and of course the TCredits.
First you need to determine where your affiliates live. Why you may ask? While TripleClicks goods may be good value in their country of origin the cost of postage/shipping sometimes makes them a totally non-viable proposition.
So what are we going to be promoting to our affiliates? Well the obvious thing is TCredits. These are needed to take part in the auctions or the games that are available. Anything else that is an e-product is good for promoting on a worldwide basis. For example PSAs ...more