The value of the Eager Zebra games comes primarily from their ability to generate potentially large shares of T-Credits with the expenditure of just one. This means that your target market for the games is going to consist of people who desire T-Credits. For the most part, this means people who participate in the auctions or download LOTS of music. From these people, your target are those who enjoy guessing games of one sort or another (and with the addition of Pick or Punt? and TD Tally, fans of American Football in particular). That identifies your best target audience.
From there, it's just a question of eliciting more information from these people and channeling them to the right game(s) based on their interests. Trivia buffs will race toward Knockout Trivia, football enthusiasts will want to play Pick or Punt or TD Tally, auction-lovers will play Pick the Price, and those who like to figure out other people will love Gold Streak.
Now, because it's the auction-lovers that will use and want the most T-Credits, Pick the Price has dual value for them: not only does it provide a way to earn T-Credits, but it also gives them an opportunity to research other people's auction habits, enabling them to improve their strategies when they themselves participate in the auctions--it actually helps them improve their TripleClicks experience. In my opinion, that fact alone should help get them interested.
The value of the Eager Zebra games comes primarily from their ability to generate potentially large shares of T-Credits with the expenditure of just one. This means that your target market for the games is going to consist of people who desire T-Credits. For the most part, this means people who participate in the auctions or download LOTS of music. From these people, your target are those who enjoy guessing games of one sort or another (and with the addition of Pick or Punt? and TD Tally, fans ...more