Those who do not purchase from TripleClicks spend more out of pocket money investing to be team leaders. The reason being that purchases at TripleClicks actually have a double value.
1-Those who purchase get the items that they need and would have bought elsewhere anyway.
2-The money spent is like investment funds for their SFI business.
TripleClicks is an online store with thousands of merchants. It is like a department store with every imaginable department so if your team members haven't noticed, show them the different departments. Help them to see how they can save money in the long run by buying the things that they need from TripleClicks.
Be an example and purchase items regularly. A standing order is good but purchasing at other times will send a message that you are not in it just for the benefits of an SO but for transfer buying as well.
Remind them that every item purchased has a VP value and Member rewards points. The MRP's and VP's are like money which can them be used to invest back and build a business. The more they invest the more the return on their investment.
If they are short of VP, encourage them to make a TripleClicks purchase, they pickup extra VP for product reviews.
Those who do not purchase from TripleClicks spend more out of pocket money investing to be team leaders. The reason being that purchases at TripleClicks actually have a double value.
1-Those who purchase get the items that they need and would have bought elsewhere anyway.
2-The money spent is like investment funds for their SFI business.
TripleClicks is an online store with thousands of merchants. It is like a department store with every imaginable department so if your ...more