Yes you should promote the ECA program to businesses that are not online and/or do not currently use the internet if they sell or make physical products.
This could be to someone perhaps who makes their own jewellery, clothing, greetings cards and other such products. They could be someone who perhaps works from home and makes items for family and friends and they could then start selling the same items online made to order. Also people who own or run market stalls, small shops etc may be interest in selling online but was not sure of how to go about this or the best sites to use without the high costs involved.
I think a good way to do this is show them examples of ECA stores that are quite well stocked but don't sell the exact same item as they may consider it as too much competition. Although explain that there is no fee involved unless they need an ECA license (which is only a $40 one time fee) or/and they sell their items. No sale no fee is a good selling point to people who did not realize having an online store does not need to be expensive. Also explain how the items are marketed by affiliates around the world and they could target their items to their own home market or start supplying further afield.
I think this is great for people who have never sold online before. If they have no intention of ever using the internet or have no access to the internet then perhaps they could find someone who is willing to do this part of the job for them and run their TripleClicks store for them although this would have to be arranged carefully between both parties.
Hope this gives you enough incentive to get out into your local area and recruit people, you are also gaining the satisfaction that you helped someone else achieve greater rewards too.
Yes you should promote the ECA program to businesses that are not online and/or do not currently use the internet if they sell or make physical products.
This could be to someone perhaps who makes their own jewellery, clothing, greetings cards and other such products. They could be someone who perhaps works from home and makes items for family and friends and they could then start selling the same items online made to order. Also people who own or run market stalls, small shops etc may ...more