In SFI it is not easily identifiable to see which PSAs will perform well and which one will not. This holds true for CSAs. There have been times when I have felt that the PSA is very enthusiastic and will prove to be an asset to my business but it has turned out to be contrary to my expectation. In my 1 year, this has occurred twice so I would not have presumptions about any affiliate who joins SFI.
However there are indications that allow you to assess the PSA/CSAs capabilities and you can tell this from your Movers List, from your dialogue with them, from their questions and decisions, from their badges and their independent approach to SFI.
You can immediately know from the Movers List for how long the affiliate has stayed without logging in and this is the first indicator!
- Your Movers will appear on your list, day in day out and you will see that they are accumulating points and have not just logged in.
- Your Scoreboard counter will show you how many have placed a standing order and how many are dormant.
- Your Geneology will show you how many PSAs/CSAs and upto which level have accumulated how many points
Once the affiliate logs in to his/her SFI homepage daily, you know that there is commitment and you can be rest assured that you will find an active PSA. Although this is not a norm. I have a CSA who without fail placed his standing order but there are times he is off the grid for 5/6 days and makes it to EA status every month.
I think the best way to judge your PSAs/CSAs is to let them be in the business for at least 3 months and you would then be sure of their contribution to theirs and your success.
In SFI it is not easily identifiable to see which PSAs will perform well and which one will not. This holds true for CSAs. There have been times when I have felt that the PSA is very enthusiastic and will prove to be an asset to my business but it has turned out to be contrary to my expectation. In my 1 year, this has occurred twice so I would not have presumptions about any affiliate who joins SFI.
However there are indications that allow you to assess the PSA/CSAs capabilities and