Let me break my answer into 2 parts:
1. maintaining your SFI position.
Before you go on vacation remember to activate the VP Streak Vacation Mode here https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/#vacation especially if you know you will not be able to login and do some work every day in order to preserve your Daily Versapoint Streak badge.
Ensure to set up a standing order to automatically process your purchase(s) since you may not be able to do so manually, in order to achieve the sales VP the purchase(s) usually contributes towards maintaining your SFI position.
However, no matter how you look at it, you will certainly still miss out on some vital action VP because of limited or no actions on your SFI business resulting from your lack of internet or limited connection. One way to mitigate this is to do the best you can do to ensure your team continue to receive the necessary assistance to be active, which may lead to your receiving some much needed Team Support action VP. This leads to the next part of my answer:
2. Supporting your team
There seems to be little or nothing you can do to support your team when the internet is inaccessible. However, you may be able to do something with a limited internet connection by ensuring before you go on vacation, you have created a database of solutions to some recurring questions from team members, especially old members. It will therefore be easier to send prepared answer or adapt them to support your team with limited internet connection.
Another possibility is to connect the 'weaker' ones to the 'stronger' ones before you go and appeal to the 'stronger' ones to be of assistance till you are back, assuming you have a team of some 'strong' members.
Further more, link them to some available and dedicated upline members and encourage them to communicate to these upline members in case they need urgent support and they cannot reach you.
Also encourage them to bring all matters to the forum while you are away and let them know the benefit of engaging in the forum.
Having said this and no matter how you strive to accomplish all I have mentioned, it will be painstakingly difficult to be able to maintain your SFI position if your vacation is unnecessarily long and becomes unhealthy to the success of your business, so be wise and make it as short as you can, especially without internet connection.
Let me break my answer into 2 parts:
1. maintaining your SFI position.
Before you go on vacation remember to activate the VP Streak Vacation Mode here https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/#vacation especially if you know you will not be able to login and do some work every day in order to preserve your Daily Versapoint Streak badge.
Ensure to set up a standing order to automatically process your purchase(s) since you may not be able to do so manually, in order to achieve