Actions speak louder than words any day of the week and twice on Sunday! It is a matter of will. Some people are not risk takers and therefore no business will be right for them. Others are distracted. So until they have clarity and focus on the business they will not be of much use. Still others hit the ground running for a while then when they don't see the results they expected they give up.
I've had gold and silver team leaders that returned back to affiliates and I have had affiliates who remain affiliates but continue to plug away at it. So the golden rule is action. Consistent, frequent, and scalable action is the only way you know that anyone is serious. One day at a time is all you can ask.
Actions speak louder than words any day of the week and twice on Sunday! It is a matter of will. Some people are not risk takers and therefore no business will be right for them. Others are distracted. So until they have clarity and focus on the business they will not be of much use. Still others hit the ground running for a while then when they don't see the results they expected they give up.
I've had gold and silver team leaders that returned back to affiliates and I have had ...more