Hello Wendy-Ann, Firstly, I would compose a message to my entire downline team and let them know that you will be away for a time with possibly no internet connection. Ask them to let you know whether they have anything they would like to discuss before you go. Let them know a date when you will return.
Briefly set out the things they need to do while you are away such as logging in each day and attending to their tasks.
Perhaps, depending on your level of income, make an offer of a gift certificate or some TCredits upon your return for those who have made a progression while you were away. This will encourage your team to keep on working even though you are not there for conversation.
Lastly, and most importantly, set your Vacation Mode so that you do not lose your VP Streak. To do this go to https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount and click in the radio button to the On mode.
Now enjoy your vacation without any worries and on your return take into account who has been working hard and who has progressed and perhaps send them an ecard and/or a small gift.
Hello Wendy-Ann, Firstly, I would compose a message to my entire downline team and let them know that you will be away for a time with possibly no internet connection. Ask them to let you know whether they have anything they would like to discuss before you go. Let them know a date when you will return.
Briefly set out the things they need to do while you are away such as logging in each day and attending to their tasks.
Perhaps, depending on your level of income, ...more