Frankly no.When I advertise for ECA"s on -line,first thing in my ads say "If you already sell on-line." All the suggested material says that too.
That is because when they sign up,Trippleclicks will be taking care of them.
Off line promotion takes some steps for you to appear professional.Start with the local small business shops you frequent.Ask if they have a website or business card.If they have a card the website should be on it.
Ask if they they know how to use the internet. Proceed only if those questions produce a yes.
You did not ask,but I would then ask permission to sent them some material about our low cost advertising.If yes,give them your business card with your picture on it.
I would have ordered ECA suggested materials for this kind of advertising.Staple or tape another business card to the material.Now mail one copy to you and one to the customer.Wait 2 days after you receive your copy,then call for an appointment.
I did this kind of advertising before and this is the suggested procedure Gery suggests too.
After you get a couple of sign-ups you now have some referrals for your business.
Frankly no.When I advertise for ECA"s on -line,first thing in my ads say "If you already sell on-line." All the suggested material says that too.
That is because when they sign up,Trippleclicks will be taking care of them.
Off line promotion takes some steps for you to appear professional.Start with the local small business shops you frequent.Ask if they have a website or business card.If they have a card the website should be on it.