I personally think S-Builder is an excellent product. Again it wont bring any fame and fortune overnight, but for long term planning its excellent to use.
My suggestion is to buy a unit every 2 weeks, but if you cant, set up a SO for once a month. Then be on top of it. As soon as your PSA's start cumming in send them a welcome letter and follow then the awesome leader procedure. This will ensure some active PSA's which will off course bring you more profit. Next you need to measure the performance of your S-Builder PSA's to that of your normal PSA's. If you find that your S-Builder PSA's are performing better percentage wise, invest more money into them. This is my advise to maximize your profit on S-Builder.
Secondly you can go the co-op route. Send your PSA's a mail and ask them who will be interested in a co-op. The advantage here is that you can invest in more units and maybe more on a regular basis. And now you are making it a team effort of it which is normally more powerful and which will produce more profit at the end.
I personally think S-Builder is an excellent product. Again it wont bring any fame and fortune overnight, but for long term planning its excellent to use.
My suggestion is to buy a unit every 2 weeks, but if you cant, set up a SO for once a month. Then be on top of it. As soon as your PSA's start cumming in send them a welcome letter and follow then the awesome leader procedure. This will ensure some active PSA's which will off course bring you more profit. Next you need ...more