Recognizing the milestones of our team mates can be very motivating.
Appreciating them with their daily log in can inspire them to continuously log in everyday.
For inactive ones, asking them how you can support them can be a start of a conversation and motivation that you care. Not necessarily telling them what to do but rather implying that you are here to support them. Their reply to you will gauge your next response if it is a tip or not.
Sometimes, giving informal sharing on team mails about your progresses, successes and lessons learned and experiences in SFI can inspire them as well to duplicate you.
Telling them what to do and forcing them to do some things to be active affiliates sometimes do not help. It is indeed a turn off to some.
Leadership is a relationship between the team leader and the team mates. Relationship also involves not only the greatness of mind but the bigness of heart as well.
Recognizing the milestones of our team mates can be very motivating.
Appreciating them with their daily log in can inspire them to continuously log in everyday.
For inactive ones, asking them how you can support them can be a start of a conversation and motivation that you care. Not necessarily telling them what to do but rather implying that you are here to support them. Their reply to you will gauge your next response if it is a tip or not.