Supporting my team the best way I know is: by just ANSWERING the questions they have..
I read so many answers that are over 500 words long but contain NO ANSWER !! The kind of answers politicians can give :)
If they ask you: Should I go LEFT or RIGHT then just answer : That Way !!
Do NOT analyze every simple question just so your answer LOOKS cool..
I MOTIVATE my team by showing them that they can succeed.. I can show them my successes but that doesn't mean anything to them so I create successes for THEM.. I send them PSA's once in a While, I show them easy ways to make sales or get PSA's..
If you are a friend to your team your team will be friends with you !
That is KARMA,.. He who gives shall receive !!
Supporting my team the best way I know is: by just ANSWERING the questions they have..
I read so many answers that are over 500 words long but contain NO ANSWER !! The kind of answers politicians can give :)
If they ask you: Should I go LEFT or RIGHT then just answer : That Way !!
Do NOT analyze every simple question just so your answer LOOKS cool..
I MOTIVATE my team by showing them that they can succeed.. I can show them my successes but that doesn't ...more