I am assuming that your PSA is going through all the 3 steps covered in our SFI BASICS course and is building a team of PSA's. However, he/she may need to establish Standing Orders in order to earn all the necessary VP to keep going.
Building a strong and wide down-line is the first step. As they earn VP, and are promoted upward, so does your PSA grow and develop and matching VP come into play.
However, to support his/her team, to set up standing orders to maintain status if any team member should drop out, your PSA may need a financing option. Your PSA does not need a conventional credit card in order to set up Standing Orders, purchase gift cards and so on. There are several options available for making payments to Triple Clicks, so have them check those out.
Meanwhile, each month, his/her active down-line is creating income, however small. As soon as this income reaches an acceptable level - then your PSA can order their TripleClicks Payonneer MasterCard debit card, which earns them a one-time 500 VP toward Team Lead status, as well as allows them to use their earnings to purchase what they need, and to assist their downline.
I am assuming that your PSA is going through all the 3 steps covered in our SFI BASICS course and is building a team of PSA's. However, he/she may need to establish Standing Orders in order to earn all the necessary VP to keep going.
Building a strong and wide down-line is the first step. As they earn VP, and are promoted upward, so does your PSA grow and develop and matching VP come into play.
However, to support his/her team, to set up standing orders to maintain status if