1. Pay enough attention to decide what is asked. Most popular or least popular?
2. Give your answer within time limit. Questions in the first round, have 5 minutes to answer. In second round, have 4 minutes to answer. And in third round only 3 minutes to answer.
3. If you don't know the answer, you can pass on the question (to add to your streak and also earn you Poll Points and MRP) with 1 TCredit for first pass, 3 TCredits for second pass and 5 TCredits for third and final pass is.
4. You can use Google search engine to find information that will help you to decide correct answer.
5. For selecting least popular answer, strike out most popular answer from the group of answers. Repeat this procedure for the remaining answers, until you have only 1 answer left, which will be least popular answer.
Here are some tips.
1. Pay enough attention to decide what is asked. Most popular or least popular?
2. Give your answer within time limit. Questions in the first round, have 5 minutes to answer. In second round, have 4 minutes to answer. And in third round only 3 minutes to answer.
3. If you don't know the answer, you can pass on the question (to add to your streak and also earn you Poll Points and MRP) with 1 TCredit for first pass, 3 TCredits for second pass and 5 TCredits ...more