It is absolutely not necessary to have a credit card! I am certain many team leaders do not. There are many, many ways a Standing Order can be paid for without a credit card, among which is getting their own Payoneer Master Card which is not a credit but a Debit card from which they can withdraw cash or pay for their standing orders or use it at any store that accepts Master Card anywhere in the world.
It may also be possible for them to simply go to their bank, open a savings or checking or savings account AND many banks also have debit card accounts available that are linked to VISA or MASTER CARD. By using one of these accounts, they can use that card like a "credit card" except the owner of that kind of account MUST have enough money in the account to pay for any purchases they wish to make using that card. Because it is
"linked" to Visa or Master Card, it also has all of the protections available to credit card holders without the fees and interest charges carried by many credit cards. The only important thing about getting a "debit card account" from a bank is that--the account needs to have that Visa or Master Card symbol to make it recognizable world wide.
The final (and I consider the least desirable) is to go online, and find one of the many companies that offer "Secured Credit Card" accounts. These work by applying for a credit card after opening a savings account that becomes the security for the credit card. For example, if someone opens an account with $500.00, their credit limit is then $500.00. The advantage of this type of account is that it will (in time) aid your credit score and usually pays a little interest on the savings and if you add to the amount in your savings account, your credit limit will also be raised to a corresponding (or occasionally) to a slightly higher amount.
The disadvantages are that they usually have pretty high fees and interest rates connected to them.
It is absolutely not necessary to have a credit card! I am certain many team leaders do not. There are many, many ways a Standing Order can be paid for without a credit card, among which is getting their own Payoneer Master Card which is not a credit but a Debit card from which they can withdraw cash or pay for their standing orders or use it at any store that accepts Master Card anywhere in the world.
It may also be possible for them to simply go to their bank, open a savings or checking