You should definitely encourage your affiliates to become team leaders right away. The team leader promotion is good for you and your affiliate as well.
By becoming a team leader your affiliate will gain a lot of experience. In order to become team-leader, they will have to do a lot of reading, research, and communicating in order to accomplish this role. Which means they become a lot smarter within your organization to become more primed to build their own team if they haven't done so already, and they earn commissions which is the main reason why we all love SFI in the first place. In addition, they achieve all the bonuses and perks that come along with Team Leader status like shares in second home CSA's, faster support response, T-credit allotments, and more!
This will be a benefit to you because you earn matching versa points as well as versa points bonuses for achieving EA 2 and team leader statuses. Most likely they will use the TripleClicks store to garner sales which will give you a nice juicy commission along the way and this affiliate will stand out in a way that your time can be well spent training this affiliate more, possibly becoming friends, and just always being available for this affiliate for any questions, needs, or concerns that he/she may have.
You should definitely encourage your affiliates to become team leaders right away. The team leader promotion is good for you and your affiliate as well.
By becoming a team leader your affiliate will gain a lot of experience. In order to become team-leader, they will have to do a lot of reading, research, and communicating in order to accomplish this role. Which means they become a lot smarter within your organization to become more primed to build their own team if they haven't done so ...more