In SFI helping PSAs to become Team Leaders in every way possible will only make the whole team successful. Our business is duplication which is simply team building.
In other words Duplication is multiplying members and thereby multiplying compensation.
Internet business is generally done with credit cards for all the payments and receipts have to be done online. Therefore to do SFI business getting a credit card is highly recamended. TripleClicks Payoneer creidt card issuded by SFI is the best that can be obtained. It gives 500VP as well.
Alternatively, making use of local mechants approved by SFI will enable the usage of local currency for purchases. How ever, to set up a standing order a credit card is necessary. Even having a paypal or any other payment method a secondary option has to
be declared and confirmed without which regular business transactions cannot be done.
Hence to be in business building team as well as helping PSAs to buil their teams credit cards play a very important part and helping them to obtain cards will make the whole team successful.
In SFI helping PSAs to become Team Leaders in every way possible will only make the whole team successful. Our business is duplication which is simply team building.
In other words Duplication is multiplying members and thereby multiplying compensation.
Internet business is generally done with credit cards for all the payments and receipts have to be done online. Therefore to do SFI business getting a credit card is highly recamended. TripleClicks Payoneer creidt card issuded by ...more