The best Eager Zebra games for me is the Gold Streak for the following reasons:
. Questions are based on the most popular/least popular answers to survey questions.
. Play with just 1 TCredit. Each time you play you earn 1VP whatever the result, ensure you click To-Do tab at your Alerts after each game to earn 1 VP. You also earn 5 MRP and Poll Points- 5 points for each correctly answered question in the first round; 8 points for the second round, and 12 points for the third round.
. If you have the longest streaks of correctly answered questions for the day, you’ll win a share of the daily Gold Streak Zackpot, plus Badges.
. You can also compete for the longest day-to-day contest when you qualify for “Streakasphere”
. The rounds are very interesting. There are three rounds of questions. Each time you guess the correct answer, you streak will advance by one and your stack of gold coins will grow taller.
. In the first bronze round, there are five randomly chosen survey questions, and you guess which of the two is the most popular. If you’ve been answering the Survey Responses on your Daily To-Do, this will prove very familiar and easy to answer.
. The second silver round, another five randomly selected survey questions to answer, your objective is which of the three answers was the least popular. This will be a brain teaser, but fun.
. In the final gold round this is where it gets very challenging. The system will keep feeding you new questions and your streak will keep growing as long as you keep guessing the correct answer.
You have to guess which of the four answers was either the most or least popular.
So what makes this game the best Eager Zebra games is the uniqueness of the game. Choosing the most popular answers in the first round, the least popular answer in the 2nd round, and a mix of questions in the 3rd round requires concentration and focus as well as brain power.
The best Eager Zebra games for me is the Gold Streak for the following reasons:
. Questions are based on the most popular/least popular answers to survey questions.
. Play with just 1 TCredit. Each time you play you earn 1VP whatever the result, ensure you click To-Do tab at your Alerts after each game to earn 1 VP. You also earn 5 MRP and Poll Points- 5 points for each correctly answered question in the first round; 8 points for the second round, and 12 points for the third