Well in my humble opinion to encourage or not for PSAs who wants to become Team leadership right away I would take it this way that is just go with the flow and play the ear especially if the PSA concerned is really keen and hungry to succeed and aside form putting in the time, resources is also willing to invest some money in it and willing to go all out to learn and shows all the tell tale signs like becoming a fast tracker, committing to a SO and EA2 and so on I would not only encourage but also do my best to assist him or her wherever possible be it re assignments to AD Coop placement incentives to organizing webinars or sharing on advertising resources .
And I would always encourage them to keep their options open and if they wanna become a Team leader real soon to keep plugging , duplicating and mentoring and remember that as they may at this time not have that many downline therefore will not be able to maximize the benefits and income potential from matching VPs to recurring Commissions and so on even though you are entitled to shares of the second home CSAs and or $10.00 bonus for attaining 2 months BTL leadership in a row.
So I say go ahead encourage them should they wanna take a bite help them in whatever ways we can as it takes 2 hands to help so go help build heir teams so that as they become a team leader you will eventually strengthen and enhance your own team leadership and revenue streams too great WIN WIn combo man.
Well in my humble opinion to encourage or not for PSAs who wants to become Team leadership right away I would take it this way that is just go with the flow and play the ear especially if the PSA concerned is really keen and hungry to succeed and aside form putting in the time, resources is also willing to invest some money in it and willing to go all out to learn and shows all the tell tale signs like becoming a fast tracker, committing to a SO and EA2 and so on I would not only encourage but also ...more