In my oppinion that's Knock Out Trivia, simply because other games depend on luck more and this is about knowledge. If you're good at quizes and you're familiar with various areas such as sports, popular culture, history, geography, art etc. it shouldn't be hard to win it and get valuable TC credits. Of course, factor of luck is also present here when it comes to questions you'll get, but it's not crucial.
Also, there are free games, so you could win TC credits without investing anything. After that you can convert those credits to MRPs by playing more games (you can also find games that offer 10 MRPs with each credit used). Finally, with enough MRPs you can buy more TC credits and earn much needed versa points.
In my oppinion that's Knock Out Trivia, simply because other games depend on luck more and this is about knowledge. If you're good at quizes and you're familiar with various areas such as sports, popular culture, history, geography, art etc. it shouldn't be hard to win it and get valuable TC credits. Of course, factor of luck is also present here when it comes to questions you'll get, but it's not crucial.
Also, there are free games, so you could win TC credits without investing ...more