Look at the goals you've set for yourself - every time you reach one of these goals it is success. Because it encourages you when you see yourself reaching your goals I see it as very important that you do not set unrealistic goals - like being the number one top earner in your 1st month. Not seeing you reaching any goals is very demoralizing and might tell you to give up. If you give up you will always wonder: Did I throw away my chance to become financially independent? Did I abandon abundance?
Are you about instant gratification or do you know that you will reap the rewards of not giving up?
What is your idea of success? Money? Reaching goals? Depending on what your answer to these questions are - you will know when you are successful - trust yourself - you can not measure your success by anybody else's standards.
I have a feeling you will taste success and KNOW it - because it is a good taste - even the smallest goals you reach is a victory.
Look at the goals you've set for yourself - every time you reach one of these goals it is success. Because it encourages you when you see yourself reaching your goals I see it as very important that you do not set unrealistic goals - like being the number one top earner in your 1st month. Not seeing you reaching any goals is very demoralizing and might tell you to give up. If you give up you will always wonder: Did I throw away my chance to become financially independent? ...more