There are two categories of PSA’S who endeavor to become Team Leaders right away:
THE ENTHUSIAST – with no existing network.
These PSA’s find the challenge of moving up the ranks irresistible. They are enthusiastic and want to achieve – and they can through VP and TripleClicks in their first month. BUT, it soon becomes apparent that they have not applied themselves to SFI training and guidance and do not have an existing network. Soon they will find that they cannot maintain their Team Leader status.
THE KICKER, SHAKER AND MOVER – with an existing network.
These PSA’s in all probability have an existing network over whom they already have an influence and are able to recruit PSA’s who will duplicate as they are asked. Moving up the ranks for them is a natural progression as they are experienced and have probably been/ or are, involved in another affiliate program.
If you see that your newly recruited PSA is moving too FAST, the first thing to do is establish from the PSA immediately if they do have an existing network. If they do, you’re okay – congrats and good luck.
If your PSA does not have an existing network, the best thing to do is to explain that they need to use a strategy so that they can maintain their position in SFI and read and learn a bit more to get to grips with the program and how SFI actually works.
Refer them to the TODO list and explain what attaining BTL and upward actually implies.
Remind them that they are in this game for the long haul and that there is no quick gratification to expect, BUT do encourage them to recruit their own PSA’s and to keep doing this because the more people under them that attain EA2 and above the easier it will become for them to climb in rank.
There are two categories of PSA’S who endeavor to become Team Leaders right away:
THE ENTHUSIAST – with no existing network.
These PSA’s find the challenge of moving up the ranks irresistible. They are enthusiastic and want to achieve – and they can through VP and TripleClicks in their first month. BUT, it soon becomes apparent that they have not applied themselves to SFI training and guidance and do not have an existing network. Soon they will find that they cannot