Matching Versa Points.
Your team member needs to see that becoming a team leader unlocks additional income streams and tools, the most important of which is matching VP. As you recruit people and they become active and recruit people your network can grow quite large. In less than a year of actively promoting my total network is nearly 1600 people and I can earn matching VP on up to 900 of those members as they become EA2 or Team Leaders.
If i earn 1500VP through actions each month and 1500VP through sales to become a Bronze Team Leader, I would earn about $1.50 off my own 3,000VP earned. But say I have 5 who have 5 who are also BTL I would get another $45 a month in matching VP just from my first 2 levels of downline. Continue that down 6 levels and it becomes a really nice income all while I just have 5 good active members.
Use the earnings calculator and try different numbers of affiliates and see how your business could grow over 2 years.
The potential is amazing but you can't earn off any Versa Points unless you are an EA2, and you only earn off matching VP if you are a Bronze Team Leader or better. The higher your rank the more levels of downline you profit from, up to 12 levels deep.
Becoming a Team Leader will happen naturally if they are working their business. Even if they don't spend money to get sales VP they can get sales VP by referring others who spend money at TripleClicks. As they promote and grow their team the action VP will reach the 1,000 to 1500 required to be a team leader on auto pilot as well.
The best time to be a team leader is when you actually have a team to lead so don't rush them or they wont see the benefits and will think you are only after the money of a standing order. Fact is matching VP will pay you far more than you would earn off a standing order x 5 referrals.
Matching Versa Points.
Your team member needs to see that becoming a team leader unlocks additional income streams and tools, the most important of which is matching VP. As you recruit people and they become active and recruit people your network can grow quite large. In less than a year of actively promoting my total network is nearly 1600 people and I can earn matching VP on up to 900 of those members as they become EA2 or Team Leaders.
If i earn 1500VP through actions each