The answer lies in the category your question was placed my friend.
Just explain your members the beauty of duplication and what are the benefits of being a Team leader and having a strong team of affiliates in your downline! However, if they got no team yet there's no need to force them to become Team Leaders yet. For example, you can motivate them by aranging a competition, let's say you reasign one or two of your PSAs to each of your downline members who becomes a Team Leader.
Remember, readers are leaders! Best of luck in working with the workers!
Hello Richard,
The answer lies in the category your question was placed my friend.
Just explain your members the beauty of duplication and what are the benefits of being a Team leader and having a strong team of affiliates in your downline! However, if they got no team yet there's no need to force them to become Team Leaders yet. For example, you can motivate them by aranging a competition, let's say you reasign one or two of your PSAs to each of your downline members who becomes ...more