Buying stuff from TripleClicks is the faster way to get more Versa Points but you asked for the best one. In my opinion the best way to get more Versa Points is to build your team!
As you see on your to do list tab you will get:
100 VP for every EA2,
150VP for every BTL,
200 for every STL,
250 for every GTL and
300VP for every PTL in your team.
Maybe this VP are not fast to earn but you will have more benefit if you build your team. Building your team means residual income for you!
SO is also the best way especially if you could afford 125TC. You will not get just this 1500VP you will get 125VP from bidding on PB auction. If you bid on double MRP auction you will get 1250 MRP and for this you could buy more TC (1TC = 126MRP = 102VP) and that means more VP for you! With the combination with the previous advice this is the best way in my opinion!
Buying stuff from TripleClicks is the faster way to get more Versa Points but you asked for the best one. In my opinion the best way to get more Versa Points is to build your team!
As you see on your to do list tab you will get:
100 VP for every EA2,
150VP for every BTL,
200 for every STL,
250 for every GTL and
300VP for every PTL in your team.
Maybe this VP are not fast to earn but you will have more benefit if you build your team. Building your team means ...more