I think a great way to get more VersaPoints is to find out the locations/actions where you have VersaPoints available to you. Checking your VersaPoint Ledger regularly (https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/MyReports/VPLedger) will show you where points are available. Then you can take actions on those areas to get more VersaPoints. There may be simple actions available to you that you missed or were not aware of that you can discover from reviewing your Ledger. There is also selling items from TripleClicks which will give you Sales VersaPoints as well as commissions.
I think a great way to get more VersaPoints is to find out the locations/actions where you have VersaPoints available to you. Checking your VersaPoint Ledger regularly (https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/MyReports/VPLedger) will show you where points are available. Then you can take actions on those areas to get more VersaPoints. There may be simple actions available to you that you missed or were not aware of that you can discover from reviewing your Ledger. There is also selling items from TripleClicks ...more