The only way to obtain a real answer for if a TripleClicks License would increase your sales is to find out if there is a market for the Tcredits in your area. Do a survey and get as many people as possible and ask them the following...
1. Are they interested in shopping online?
2. Are they interested in participating in online auctions?
3. Are they interested in using the TripleClicks stores?
4. Do they have the means to make payments online?
5. Do they know how to make payments online?
6. Are they reluctant to use their credit/debit cards online?
7. Any other questions you may feel will help you decide...
After you receive answers for the above questions then you will be able to decide if there's a market for TCredits in your area. Also check if there is anyone else offering the Credits in the same area as this could affect you. For instance if they are selling Tcredits at 10% commission and you want to charge 15% people are going to go to the other guy/girl first.
Summing up is first find out if there's a market to sell too, secondly check for other people offering the same service, if the first is a YES and the second is a NO then go for it.
The only way to obtain a real answer for if a TripleClicks License would increase your sales is to find out if there is a market for the Tcredits in your area. Do a survey and get as many people as possible and ask them the following...
1. Are they interested in shopping online?
2. Are they interested in participating in online auctions?
3. Are they interested in using the TripleClicks stores?
4. Do they have the means to make payments online?
5. Do they know