It is easy to get more VP by purchasing from TripleClicks. This is the easy way, but your ability to earn more Action VP is limited and it can be costly.
The best way to get more Action VP is to have your downline qualify as EA and maintain this minimum status. The more active your downline, the more Action VP you will be awarded. As your downline progress to BTL, STL, GTL AND PTL the more Action VP you will earn for every member of your downline and the ability to earn more VP are then endless.
Once again it is all about DUPLICATION.
We have to get it! It is about DUPLICATION. You cannot grow your SFI business if your downline do not get it. Your job is to teach your downline that they only grow if their downline grows.
Not all SFI affiliates are flush when the join, but small strides by investing in the right products to grow their business will help to propel them forward.
This is the core of our business - teach your team to do as YOU do and YOU do as your upline does.
It is easy to get more VP by purchasing from TripleClicks. This is the easy way, but your ability to earn more Action VP is limited and it can be costly.
The best way to get more Action VP is to have your downline qualify as EA and maintain this minimum status. The more active your downline, the more Action VP you will be awarded. As your downline progress to BTL, STL, GTL AND PTL the more Action VP you will earn for every member of your downline and the ability to earn more VP are then ...more