Every SFI affiliate will want to accumulate as much VPs as possible depending on each one’s goal.
Here’s how to maximize your VersaPoints accumulation whether you’re new or old affiliate:
- Log in everyday and perform your To-Do List.
For new affiliates, scoring 500 VPs on the first day will give them additional 200 VPs becoming a Fast-Track member. Besides performing the To-Do List, they can add more VPs by performing the Getting Started actions and staying above the green line (50 VP awarded from the third and fourth round of E365 and 100 VP in the fifth round). For old affiliate members performing the daily actions is worth 12 VP. This includes the 1 VP awarded for “Survey Responses”. Additional VPs can be accumulated by participating in Eager Zebra game (Knockout Trivia, Time Machine and Pick the Price) max. 200 VP/month, TC Music download max. 50 VP/month and Member listing 50 VP/month.
- Participate in the Pricebenders Auctions for max. 500 VP/month.
Use this strategy to bid for PSAs and build your team. Every EA2 that you personally sponsored will earn you 100 actions VP. For BTL, STL, GTL and PTL you’ll be awarded 150, 200, 250 and 300 VP correspondingly. You can then reassign PSAs with at least 600 VP within six months to your EA2s or Team Leaders for 5 action VP (or reassign EA2s to your active Team Leaders). You can also bid for TC Gift Cards to expand your network. You’ll get 10 VP for every TC Gift card distributed. Participate in auctions that offer DP with the items above and use the accumulated double MRP to purchase 1 TCredit for 102 VP. You can easily accumulate 1020 VP by purchasing 1 TCredit quantity of 10 using 1260 MRP.
- Perform your weekly actions.
Send support messages every week through your PSA/CSA or Genealogy mailer for 30 VP. Review your TConnect page for 5 VP/week and encourage/motivate your a2a friends and downlines for 3 VP/week.
- Additional VPs can be accumulated by performing your monthly actions (10 VP/month for rating the SFI/Sponsor/Co-Sponsor and 5 VP/month for setting your goals.). You can get unlimited VPs for generating TripleClicks sales (VP varies), products you purchased from TC (VP varies), 100 VP for referring ECA and 25 VP for product reviews.
- Contribute to SFI community by participating in Ask SC. Submit your answers to business- boosting questions and be awarded 100 VP for the most votes, 50 VP for the second most votes and 25 VP for third to tenth most votes. You can also top up your VPs by participating in the Daily Grand and possibly win 50, 100 or 200 VPs.
Every SFI affiliate will want to accumulate as much VPs as possible depending on each one’s goal.
Here’s how to maximize your VersaPoints accumulation whether you’re new or old affiliate:
- Log in everyday and perform your To-Do List.
For new affiliates, scoring 500 VPs on the first day will give them additional 200 VPs becoming a Fast-Track member. Besides performing the To-Do List, they can add more VPs by performing the Getting Started actions and staying