The best way to get more versapoints is to spend your tcredits in double member reward point auctions, this gives you one versapoint for each bid. when you have gathered MRP, you can use these to purchase more Tcredits, preferrably single tcredit units which earns you 102VP for each purchase and will cost you 126 MRP.
Referring a psa and if the psa becomes EA2 you still get 100 versa points
If your EA2 becomes a BTL you are in for 150 points.
you get 1 versa points for every bid you do at price benders auction,
some trivia games gives you 1 versapoint if you play the game
you can also win versa points from daily grand draws and E365 contest
so plan and grab all the available versa points.
I hope I was helpfull. Good luck, and see you at the top.
The best way to get more versapoints is to spend your tcredits in double member reward point auctions, this gives you one versapoint for each bid. when you have gathered MRP, you can use these to purchase more Tcredits, preferrably single tcredit units which earns you 102VP for each purchase and will cost you 126 MRP.
Referring a psa and if the psa becomes EA2 you still get 100 versa points
If your EA2 becomes a BTL you are in for 150 points.
you ...more