The Best way to use the Wave3 X-cards is to make sure you take them with you everywhere you go. Hand them out to friends,family,the cashier at your grocery store, etc. Also "Forget" them in places. If you ride the bus leave them on your seat, leave them on the table in the waiting room of your doctors office, leave them with your tip at a Restaurant,etc.
The More you hand out the bigger chance you have of having someone sign up. Also have your Wave3 decal on your car and leave plenty of cards in your car so when people ask you about the sign on your car you can give them a card.
The Best way to use the Wave3 X-cards is to make sure you take them with you everywhere you go. Hand them out to friends,family,the cashier at your grocery store, etc. Also "Forget" them in places. If you ride the bus leave them on your seat, leave them on the table in the waiting room of your doctors office, leave them with your tip at a Restaurant,etc.
The More you hand out the bigger chance you have of having someone sign up. Also have your Wave3 decal on your car and leave ...more