I'm an ECA wanting to sell my products internationally. How do I determine how much to charge for shipping to other countries that is fair to both me and my customers?
Once you have found out the costs involved for each Country or Region I would take a really close look at what you are trying to achieve with your store!
1) Do you have a good accounting of each and every cost associated with each sale?
2) How much can you make from the SFI and TripleClicks portion of the sale?
3) What points, Commissions and advantages are there and what are they worth to you overall?
Are you making sure that your plan is viable long-term?
Now having all of the information at your fingertips it may be that you could actually get further by selling at a break even or small loss position when you take the whole picture into consideration. A very nominal shipping fee or free shipping will get you more customers so I would consider letting one sale pay over towards the cost of another in order to build traffic and opportunities via contacts.
Do not make the mistake of looking at each sale as a must make short term profit situation build a strategy based on the long term and remember that losing a couple of dollars on an occasional sale could be what gets you to the top!
Good luck!
Once you have found out the costs involved for each Country or Region I would take a really close look at what you are trying to achieve with your store!
1) Do you have a good accounting of each and every cost associated with each sale?
2) How much can you make from the SFI and TripleClicks portion of the sale?
3) What points, Commissions and advantages are there and what are they worth to you overall?
Are you making sure that your plan is viable long-term?
Now having all ...more