If you only want to spend your MRP on Tcredits to have some fun and bet on auctions or to play games with, then that is what you can do. Buy TCredits, just like everyone else is saying.
I personally, am saving up my MRP so I can have enough to either buy PSA's from ProProfit (that's 2550MRP) or to buy into S-Builder Co-Op (3429MRP).
Yes,its nice to buy 1TCredit for 126MRP each and receive 102VP same time and push you up to the next level but is it worth that if you don't have an active downline? I would concentrate on the downline first to ensure maximum benifits when I reach the next level.
If you only want to spend your MRP on Tcredits to have some fun and bet on auctions or to play games with, then that is what you can do. Buy TCredits, just like everyone else is saying.
I personally, am saving up my MRP so I can have enough to either buy PSA's from ProProfit (that's 2550MRP) or to buy into S-Builder Co-Op (3429MRP).
Yes,its nice to buy 1TCredit for 126MRP each and receive 102VP same ...more