It would be great if you could just do your daily actions and earn enough VP to qualify as EA but that is not the case. In your first month it is possible to earn enough VP to qualify without doing anything extra - after that you need to do more.
1. Play games to earn VP and more important - you have a chance of winning T-credits
that can be used to grow your business.
2. Take part in the auctions - try to choose a product that gives you double MRP and
that you can use should you win the auction.
3. Use your MRP points to buy more t-credits and earn VP. 126 MRP gets you 1 t-credit
and 102 VP
4. Advertise products you or your ECA connections are selling as well as the auctions.
5. Advertise to recruit new affiliates and grow your team.
6. Treat your team, your down line as VIP's and train them well - you need to keep
them active and you have to help them build a successful business - they are your
biggest asset.
7. If you can afford it place a standing order and take the stress out of qualifying
every month so you can concentrate on your team and your sales.
The most important thing you need to do is enjoy building your business - you are investing your time and effort in it - if you do not enjoy it you will not give it the attention it needs. It is YOUR business, YOU are the boss, it is for YOU - you are not working to make somebody else rich.
It would be great if you could just do your daily actions and earn enough VP to qualify as EA but that is not the case. In your first month it is possible to earn enough VP to qualify without doing anything extra - after that you need to do more.
1. Play games to earn VP and more important - you have a chance of winning T-credits
that can be used to grow your business.
2. Take part in the auctions - try to choose a product that gives you double MRP and
that you