There are literally thousands of answers to this question - practically any product on TripleClicks can be paid for with MRP's.
With a little patience you can build up quite a number of MRP's for just doing everyday tasks on the SFI site. Once you have a lot of them, you can obviously buy a higher quantity of items or just one item that has a lot of value.
As said previously, many times, a lot of us use them to buy TCredits and get VP's. This is a good plan.
Another idea would be to reward your downline - you could purchase something from TC and just give it to a deserving PSA/CSA or you could hold a contest and use your MRP's to buy something really nice as the prize.
The best use is limited only by your imagination!
There are literally thousands of answers to this question - practically any product on TripleClicks can be paid for with MRP's.
With a little patience you can build up quite a number of MRP's for just doing everyday tasks on the SFI site. Once you have a lot of them, you can obviously buy a higher quantity of items or just one item that has a lot of value.
As said previously, many times, a lot of us use them to buy TCredits and get VP's. This is a good plan.