MRP serves as a medium of exchange and the power it commands cannot be under estimated in your SFI business.
There are numerous things you can best use it for:-
1. MRP can be used to purchase items of all kinds from TripleClicks Store
2. You can convert your MRP to TCredits. 126 MRPs buy 1TCredit
3. MRP equally gets you 102 Versa Points when you used it to buy a TCredit
4. The 102 Versa Points or more you gain from the purchase made with MRP guarantees you increase in commission
5. With MRP when you purchase TCredit, it enables you to enlist and sell stuff from TripleClick
6. It is equally used in bidding in Auctions, playing Eager Zebra games, Pick the Price, etc. when converted to TCredit.
7. MRP has a power pack of return on investment and high converting funnel.
8. It is a present help in time of need. If you don’t have dollar in your account or your local currency to purchase Tcurrency to make up for purchase that will help you meet your target or goal (Versa Points) for the month especially at the dying minute of the month and you have well accumulated MRP, sure your problem is solved.
9. Learn more guidelines here: -
10. Hope you find help from all the above mentioned points. All the best
MRP serves as a medium of exchange and the power it commands cannot be under estimated in your SFI business.
There are numerous things you can best use it for:-
1. MRP can be used to purchase items of all kinds from TripleClicks Store
2. You can convert your MRP to TCredits. 126 MRPs buy 1TCredit
3. MRP equally gets you 102 Versa Points when you used it to buy a TCredit
4. The 102 Versa Points or more you gain from the purchase made with