You can consider MRP as one of the currencies at TrippleClicks. All items for sale at TripleClicks is priced in three ways, in dollars, in TC, and in MRP value. Therefore you can use this to buy (redeem) any item at TripleClicks.
So, how to best use our MRP depends on your purpose. If you want to use it to earn sales VP, the highest value that you can use is redeeming (buying) 1TC pack. It cost 126 MRP and you earn 102VP.
If you have enough VP for your rank, the best way to use MRP is to redeem it with valuable item from TripleClicks directly sold by SFI. The gadgets are of great value for you MRP.
So my advice is to browse the items directly sold by SFI and choose the gadget you like and save your MRP until you reach the MRP needed to buy the gadget. That willmbe a very memorable item I would say. I bought one my self with MRP.
You can consider MRP as one of the currencies at TrippleClicks. All items for sale at TripleClicks is priced in three ways, in dollars, in TC, and in MRP value. Therefore you can use this to buy (redeem) any item at TripleClicks.
So, how to best use our MRP depends on your purpose. If you want to use it to earn sales VP, the highest value that you can use is redeeming (buying) 1TC pack. It cost 126 MRP and you earn 102VP.
If you have enough VP for your rank, the best way to ...more