No one can change anyone's mentality! You have to use tactics that cause them to want to change and thus do the work necessary to change. Here are some steps that might help you to convince them that being a business owner is better than being an employee catering to an employer needs.
1. Start with simple instructions on how to succeed as an SFI business partner.
2. Testify to how being an entrepreneur has improved your life.
3. Write frequent but short emails every time you have some small success.
4. Write about bargains you have gotten at TripleClicks.
5. Send them encouraging emails and ecards whenever they achieve even the smallest goal.
6. Remind them that as an entrepreneur you have more choices than as an employee concerning your personal life.
7. Let them know that taking the same amount of time and putting in the same effort and passion as they would as an employee will reward them in many more areas than being an employee. They will be rewarded financially, have more time, and no need justify your actions to anyone.
8. Explain that their work in SFI is to encourage, develop, and build a following. This may take more time and effort in the beginning than being an employee. As a business owner they are building for the future.
9. Once your downline is established, you will have much more going for you than the paycheck you get as an employee.
10. To change their mentality requires constant small encouragements, proofs and explanations that have worked for you.
No one can change anyone's mentality! You have to use tactics that cause them to want to change and thus do the work necessary to change. Here are some steps that might help you to convince them that being a business owner is better than being an employee catering to an employer needs.
1. Start with simple instructions on how to succeed as an SFI business partner.
2. Testify to how being an entrepreneur has improved your life.
3. Write frequent but short emails every time you