This is a good question Henry!
Always be honest with anyone that you are talking to about SFI and TripleClicks
1) Explain that SFI is a marketing company that has been in business since 1998.
That people from all over the world work with SFI and TripleClicks.
2) Let your new prospect know that they will be given a Free education to become an expert in their very own business. Make sure they understand it's important for them to be dedicated, willing to show up daily, and really want to own a business.
3) Stress that you will be there to help them when they have questions or get frustrated. That there are many people on the website to help them. They can ask people on the Forum, their up-line, a2a Friend, and check at Ask SC. They can also write their question on the white space at the top right corner of SFI that says "Enter topics here for quick answers". Or can check the "Help Desk" at:
4) They can sign up for Free, are given Free advertising tools and TWO websites. On average, buying a franchise cost at the very least, $15,000. Your prospect will receive their businesses for FREE!
5) Express having flexible hours and therefore work anytime, 24 hour a day and anywhere they wish. Plus being able to do what you want, where you want, and always being off on holidays.
6) Owning their own business will mean being responsible and learning how to work. SFI is not a "get rich quick" company, so they will have to work to become profitable.
They can receive a little or a lot depending on how much they learn and work.
Also, they will receive at least $220.00 worth of products each month.
On average a brick and mortar business takes at least 5 - 7 years to become profitable. During that time the owners must pay out rent, utilities, salary, products, etc.
7) Don't be frustrated if your family and friends are not interested.
Many people are afraid of marketing companies. Many think it's a multilevel company and is illegal. My answers to these people are:
"Is your bank or the company they are working for a multilevel company?"
"Do you get the same amount of money for their hard work as your boss or the owners of the company?"
"Isn't that what you mean by multilevel?"
"Of course, the affiliates in our up-line will get more income than we do, just like any company."
8) Show them your SFI websites. Explain how they can sell, buy, bid or even have a garage sale with all the stuff in their house on TripleClicks. Then, show them all the different items for sale on your website while you are talking and sign them up while you are on SFI.
If they are not that interested or want to think about it, this is a good time to give them a gift card to use.
They can look at TripleClicks more thoroughly and may decide to sign up on their own.
May you be successful in your business.
This is a good question Henry!
Always be honest with anyone that you are talking to about SFI and TripleClicks
1) Explain that SFI is a marketing company that has been in business since 1998.
That people from all over the world work with SFI and TripleClicks.
2) Let your new prospect know that they will be given a Free education to become an expert in their very own business. Make sure they understand it's important for them to be dedicated, willing to show