Here is what I would recommend - as it is my own journey.
1. First, if you hope to change someone's mentality or their approach to the business you must understand their motivations for joining SFI in the first place. Are they only looking for part-time income? Are they seeking a full-time job replacement, at least on an income basis? These two examples alone are very different - someone looking for part-time, supplemental income will likely never have the true entrepreneurial mindset. And that's ok - it doesn't mean these folks aren't right for the SFI business. Rather, they will never dedicate themselves like a full-timer, entrepreneurial-minded individual might.
2. Second, you need to understand that individual's mindset. Why does he or she think like an employee? Is it because of how that person was raised? Or is it because of values they have developed over the course of their working career? Ingrained values that might be part of someone's upbringing are harder - though not impossible - to change than those developed over the course of a career where one begins to feel "beaten down".
3. Third, have you demonstrated value? This is key. Even an "entrepreneur" won't work for something if he or she sees no value in it. My advice would be to boil down exactly how SFI will work for your prospects or new PSAs/CSAs. If you are already successful, share your own success story and the steps you took. And - and this is very important! - stress the need to for initiative and independent working rather than reliance on you, the sponsor.
I hope these tips help. Not everyone is willing to change their mindsets. But many can be convinced to do so! :)
Here is what I would recommend - as it is my own journey.
1. First, if you hope to change someone's mentality or their approach to the business you must understand their motivations for joining SFI in the first place. Are they only looking for part-time income? Are they seeking a full-time job replacement, at least on an income basis? These two examples alone are very different - someone looking for part-time, supplemental income will likely never have the true entrepreneurial mindset.