The only thing you CAN do when previously active affiliates stop their activity is send an e-card or email asking if they are having any difficulties with which you can help them.
Continue to stay in contact with them just as you do with your other sleepers. I think these actives who go to sleep are in shock from discovering there is a good bit of studying and work to do to create their own active team!!
If you stay in touch every four or five days instead of only once a week, you might have a chance to encourage them to come back, keep working.
All we can do is offer our help and encouragement, as with all our downlines.
The only thing you CAN do when previously active affiliates stop their activity is send an e-card or email asking if they are having any difficulties with which you can help them.
Continue to stay in contact with them just as you do with your other sleepers. I think these actives who go to sleep are in shock from discovering there is a good bit of studying and work to do to create their own active team!!
If you stay in touch every four or five days instead of only once a week, ...more