As there are 1000's of products to promote on TripleClicks, I suggest you search for a product that you would personally buy.
If you would buy a product, that means that you are excited about that product and what to tell others about it. This will then be reflected and portrayed in your advertising of the product.
One can only sell a product with honesty and integrity, if we promote a product in any other manner, we will lose prospective sign-ups and downlines which of course equates to income in commissions.
As there are 1000's of products to promote on TripleClicks, I suggest you search for a product that you would personally buy.
If you would buy a product, that means that you are excited about that product and what to tell others about it. This will then be reflected and portrayed in your advertising of the product.
One can only sell a product with honesty and integrity, if we promote a product in any other manner, we will lose prospective sign-ups and downlines which of course ...more