Different people will measure success in different ways, but most of us are in SFI for one reason and one reason only: To earn an income, whether it be an additional income or a main income. So, we are here to make money and not to see how many badges, PSA’s, CSA’s, etc. we can get, although those are indicators of our progress towards success.
To measure our success we must start out by setting some short term and long term goals. Your long term goals are your ultimate goals you’re setting for yourself and it’s against them that you must measure your success. They must be high enough to make a huge difference in your life and motivate you. It must be something worth fighting for. It’s that part of your goals that must be high enough to not be changed all the time because you reach them to quickly and easily, like becoming very wealthy or earning a huge income. But it must be specific. It can’t be just in general. That is too vague. They might even seem too high to some pessimists, but if someone else are able to achieve it, so can we.
Our short term goals we use to measure our progress towards reaching our long term goals. They mustn't be too high, especially in the beginning, but also not to low so that you don’t have something to work for. By reaching some of them each month also help motivating us to do even better and that way you can measure how successful you were during that month towards reaching your monthly goals. So, your short term goals may be to get so and so much badges, VP, PSA’s, CSA’s, PRM’s and ECA’s, this or that rankings, so or so much money, etc. per month, after 6 months or a year, etc., and by reaching those goals you are working towards your long term goals and you can measure your success by how many of that short term goals you have achieved. Ultimately that would suggest in what measures you have achieved your ultimate goals.
Your Goals Tab at SFI can help you a lot in setting and achieving your long and short term goals and in measuring how successful you were in achieving them.
Different people will measure success in different ways, but most of us are in SFI for one reason and one reason only: To earn an income, whether it be an additional income or a main income. So, we are here to make money and not to see how many badges, PSA’s, CSA’s, etc. we can get, although those are indicators of our progress towards success.
To measure our success we must start out by setting some short term and long term goals. Your long term goals are your ultimate goals you’re