I am going to answer this question with a question. What do you deem a success? Is it monetary? Building your downline? Or is it just being able to do something so simple as logging in everyday when you have poor internet reception. Life throws us a curve ball everyday may it be small or large, and how you get around that curve ball is what is I would consider a success. I would look at my Scoreboard to see how I am doing with matching my downline, then I would look at their VP ledger and see where they need the most help.
The hardest one I find is communication, since life is really pulling me from both ends. But I give it my best in letting my team know that I am there for them, to guide them. I can't make them do the work, so when one picks up the challenge of working SFI as a business then that to me is success.
One person at a time paying it forward is a success, being able to pay for lunch out with the girls is a success, especially when I use my Payoneer Credit card and they ask about it. Success is what you think is important to you and how you went about achieving it, and how you felt about doing so.
I am going to answer this question with a question. What do you deem a success? Is it monetary? Building your downline? Or is it just being able to do something so simple as logging in everyday when you have poor internet reception. Life throws us a curve ball everyday may it be small or large, and how you get around that curve ball is what is I would consider a success. I would look at my Scoreboard to see how I am doing with matching my downline, then I would look at their VP ledger and see ...more