When it comes to winning Price Bender auctions, the autobidder can be very effective if it is used properly. If not, you will waste a lot of T Credits that could have been better spent. The most effective way of using the auto-bidder is to do your homework on the auction that you are entering in. Item on auction, type of auction, the time of day and other variables are very critical. If you do your homework, watch an auction for the right time to enter the auction. When the time is right you can dump T Credits in and usually win.
However, every auction is different. You don't know who is watching an auction waiting for the right time to enter. That said you can do your homework and have a 'big dog' lurking in the shadows. These are power bidders with lots of T Credits. Unless you just want to throw away T Credits get out of that auction. Limits and the number of auctions will work to your advantage so be patient. Never invest more than you are willing to lose. Again, I say, Price Bender auctions are a win, win, win when you play appropriately. All of the gripes come from people who don't invest wisely. So lighten up, do your homework, and win some auctions!
When it comes to winning Price Bender auctions, the autobidder can be very effective if it is used properly. If not, you will waste a lot of T Credits that could have been better spent. The most effective way of using the auto-bidder is to do your homework on the auction that you are entering in. Item on auction, type of auction, the time of day and other variables are very critical. If you do your homework, watch an auction for the right time to enter the auction. When the time is right you ...more