I believe that the best SFI Gateway to use is the one that promotes your TripleClicks store.
Many consumers find it convenient to shop online. It is easier to find exactly what you want. Consumers are hunting for bargains and possible cheap or free shipping. TripleClicks offer a wide variety of goods and services that the average consumer needs. Hence this would be the ideal place to shop. Not only that shoppers would notice that the store has a variety of games that they can participate in and be rewarded. While shopping they have the opportunity of listening to the music of their choice. A potential customer who makes purchases means commission for the affiliate. This gateway could also be a means of the consumer being a member of Tripleclicks and SFI.
I believe that the best SFI Gateway to use is the one that promotes your TripleClicks store.
Many consumers find it convenient to shop online. It is easier to find exactly what you want. Consumers are hunting for bargains and possible cheap or free shipping. TripleClicks offer a wide variety of goods and services that the average consumer needs. Hence this would be the ideal place to shop. Not only that shoppers would notice that the store has a variety of games that they can participate ...more