I would say that there is no way to ensure the use of the TC Gift cards..
I can give people an envelope with money in there but I cannot force them to open the envelope..
The sad thing about THAT is nobody gets any money and you LOOSE money..
The good thing about the TC Gift cards is that is they are not "redeemed" the amounth will not be subtracted from your account..
So next Birthday's,.. Weddings,.. Business Party's,.. Social events and so on no more giving an envelope with money but envelopes with TC Gift Cards ;)
Now isn't that a great gift that keeps on giving then ?? hahhaha
Hope it helps a little and I wish you all the luck in SFI !!
Hello and Hi to all who reads this,..
I would say that there is no way to ensure the use of the TC Gift cards..
I can give people an envelope with money in there but I cannot force them to open the envelope..
The sad thing about THAT is nobody gets any money and you LOOSE money..
The good thing about the TC Gift cards is that is they are not "redeemed" the amounth will not be subtracted from your account..