It depends on what you count as success, i have been with SFI for barely 2months and i can confidently say am making a head way.
Success is when you see that what you are working towards is actualizing, it is not only measured in money earned.
if you have a team of active affiliates you wont have cause to complain of no success.
You can start by being consistence with your daily task, weekly and monthly task as the case maybe, go through the launchpad to assimilate the information on how to succeed with your SFI business and believe me in months you will have a different story to tell. Also remember, in business you have to invest in order to make profit,so having a standing order of 1500VP can be of great help, participating in the games and other activities going on in the group can earn you bonuses that will help you in being successful.
Work hard to actualize what you believe to be successful.
For me its more like a game and am playing to win
I dont need to rush, its one step at a time.
It depends on what you count as success, i have been with SFI for barely 2months and i can confidently say am making a head way.
Success is when you see that what you are working towards is actualizing, it is not only measured in money earned.
if you have a team of active affiliates you wont have cause to complain of no success.
You can start by being consistence with your daily task, weekly and monthly task as the case maybe, go through the launchpad to assimilate the information