You come to a point where you have concluded that your approach in attracting new affiliates isn’t working. It’s time to analyze your approach to attract new affiliates. Write down your current approach and compare it with the points list below. Have you tried to implement the marketing methods found in the Marketing Center extensively?
What you should do:
- Approaching your warm market, people you know and know you.
How you present the TC Gift Cards or TC X-Card to family, friends or co-worker matters. Just telling them to check out your TripleClicks gateway or handing them the TC Gift/X-Card can be disastrous. Probably as a new networker you’re not prepared to handle their questions and objections. Instead of just telling them your new business opportunity, spend time finding out about their life. Ask them questions how they spend time with their families, about their jobs/business and how they’re planning for their financial future. You’ll be surprised to find out more about their life’s stress like working long hours to meet their needs, depriving their families or friends in spending time with them, downsizing in their companies or no money for vacations. From here you can present SFI/TripleClicks opportunity. You can ask them if they’re open to a possible solution and if they ‘re interested then you can present your business opportunity.
- Employ content marketing.
Create content that people will be attracted to and want to share with others. This is often referred to as Attraction marketing, which is informational and educational to your visitors/customers as they browse your SFI website/blog. What resource can you offer or skill that you have acquired in your years of experience with your SFI business that is valuable to your target prospects? Include articles, blog posts, testimonials and along with your own perspective to establish your own insight on the topic.
You come to a point where you have concluded that your approach in attracting new affiliates isn’t working. It’s time to analyze your approach to attract new affiliates. Write down your current approach and compare it with the points list below. Have you tried to implement the marketing methods found in the Marketing Center extensively?
What you should do:
- Approaching your warm market, people you know and know you.
How you present the TC Gift Cards or TC X-Card to ...more