Well this is certainly very relevant and timely as most of us having been with SFI for a year or more but unfortunately till now has not have had much success so what can we do to turn it around well I would go fort he following:
Do your checklist and rundown on what you have been doing in the past 12 months or so and thereafter try to fill the gaps that you have left out for example we may be weak say in sponsoring , duplicating, staying in constant contact with your teammates , not logging in daily to do the tasks and reading , applying what you have learnt into practice , not maintaining EA2 etc and check with your upline as well as fellow forum members at the Forum and ASK SC for possible solutions and act on it.
Be patient and do the necessary follow ups and maintain regular contact from all your team and we have to seriously treat it as a real business and do whatever it takes to grow , sponsor, post ads every single day without fail .
As we all know Rome cannot be ever built overnight therefore major on the major and give it another shot and I am sure that eventually you will make it if you are really determined and do whatever it takes for success.,sponsor, duplicate and grow your team and set up your own ECA.
Well this is certainly very relevant and timely as most of us having been with SFI for a year or more but unfortunately till now has not have had much success so what can we do to turn it around well I would go fort he following:
Do your checklist and rundown on what you have been doing in the past 12 months or so and thereafter try to fill the gaps that you have left out for example we may be weak say in sponsoring , duplicating, staying in constant contact with your teammates , not ...more